New website and blog, who dis?
I am beyond excited getting to unveil this brand new website to you all, beautifully-designed by the talent at Quill & Code. For over a decade now, I had been maintaining a website I put together myself, basically made of construction paper, glitter, and good intentions, held together with rubber cement, duct tape, and starry-eyed hope. It served its purpose. Sort of. Until it didn’t. But now having this new home on the web to use for communications of a far more professional nature feels like the ultimate gift for me this season. It’s that car with the big bow on it that people get in commercials. But, you know, as a website. And the bow is, like, cool header images. But… hey, I digress.
It’s been a busy year, as my second book in The Curious Case of Mary Ann series made it out into the world, this one called The Trouble with Tweedle. For folks not familiar with these tales, they exist in Lewis Carroll’s Wonderland and Looking-Glass Land realm and I work hard to be respectful of those roots, while adding my own Gothic mystery twist to them.

For fans of that series, I have plans for more Mary Ann in the future. (Mary Ann says hi and is doing well.) But I think fans of my There Goes the Galaxy trilogy will be most happy to hear my next project is going to be another humorous space fantasy set in the Greater Communicating Universe and, in this case, starring Hyphiz Deltan freight raider, Rollie Tsmorlood. I’m looking to get started on that in early 2023.
So that catches you up to where things are at the moment and I think that’s a great place to leave us for today. I’ll have other fun stuff to share with you in posts coming up, which include some book-adjacent creative projects, writing updates, and information on a podcast that I get to be a part of. Thank you for stopping by. It was nice to have you here today.